منصة منهاجي - الصف ٧ - الفصل ٢ - انجليزي

11 – Unit7- Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense (when & while)

Practice- Simple Past and Past Continuous Tense

The Past Simple Tense with (When)

The Past Simple

The Past Simple

‘When’ with Short Actions in the Past

‘When’ with Short Actions in the Past

Practice- The Past Continuous Tense with (While)

The Past Continuous

The Past Continuous

The Past Continuous Tense with (While)

The Past Continuous Tense with (While)

The Past Simple Tense with (When)

The Past Simple Tense with (When)

‘While’ with Long Progressive Actions in the Past

‘While’ with Long Progressive Actions in the Past

The Past Continuous Tense with (While)

The Past Simple Tense with (When)

The Past Simple Tense with (When)

Forming Clauses Begin with When ( Interrupted Situations in the Past)

Forming Clauses Begin with When ( Interrupted Situations in the Past)

Forming Clauses That Begin with While (Interrupted Situations in the Past)

Forming Clauses That Begin with While (Interrupted Situations in the Past)

The Past Continuous Tense with (While)

The Past Continuous Tense with (While)

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