منصة منهاجي - الصف ٧ - الفصل ٢ - انجليزي

20 – Unit8- Grammar: Must/ Mustn’t

Must and Mustn’t (Use and Meaning)

Must and Mustn’t (Use and Meaning)

Must and Mustn’t (common mistake)

Must and Mustn’t (common mistake)

Must and Mustn’t (Choose and Reorder)

Must and Mustn’t (Must and mustn’t with different pronouns)

Must and Mustn’t (Must and mustn’t with different pronouns)

Must and Mustn’t (Verb form)

Must and Mustn’t (Verb form)

Must and Mustn’t (Sentence structure)

Must and Mustn’t (Sentence structure)

Must and Mustn’t (Exercise- Signs)

Must and Mustn’t (Closing Exercise)

Must and Mustn’t (Use and Meaning)

Must and Mustn’t (Use and Meaning)

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