منصة منهاجي - الصف ٦ - الفصل ٢ - انجليزي

20 – Unit 8 – Grammar: Be used for +ing

Closing exercises (Practice)

Using the structure (be used for-ing ) to talk about old inventions

Using the structure (be used for-ing ) to talk about old inventions

(Practice) using the structure (be used for-ing ) to talk about modern and old inventions

To practice using the structure of (be used for + ing ) to talk about modern and old inventions and discoveries

Introducing the structure (be used for-ing ) to talk about modern and old inventions

To introduce the structure of (be used for + ing ) to talk about modern and old inventions and discoveries

(Practice) using the structure (be used for-ing ) to talk about modern and old inventions

(Practice) Using the structure (be used for-ing ) to talk about modern inventions

To practice using the structure of (be used for + ing ) to talk about modern inventions and discoveries

To practice using the structure of (be used for + ing ) to talk about old inventions and discoveries

To practice using the structure of (be used for + ing ) to talk about old inventions and discoveries

Using the structure (be used for-ing ) to talk about modern inventions

Using the structure (be used for-ing ) to talk about modern inventions

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