منصة منهاجي - الصف ٦ - الفصل ٢ - انجليزي

36 – Unit 10 – Grammar: Like good at

(Like-good at ) The difference between like and good at

(Like-good at ) The difference between like and good at

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (like)-positive structure

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (like)-positive structure

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (like)-positive structure

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (like)-positive structure

(Like-good at ) Practice using the positive structure of (like-verb-ing)

(Like-good at ) Practice using the positive structure of (like-verb-ing)

To be able to form sentences using (like good at)

To be able to form sentences using (like good at)

(Like-good at ) Practice using the negative structure of (like-verb-ing)

(Like-good at ) Practice using the negative structure of (like-verb-ing)

(Like-good at ) Practice using the positive and the negative structure of (like-verb-ing)

(Like-good at ) Practice using the positive and the negative structure of (like-verb-ing)

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (good at-not good at)

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (good at-not good at)

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (not good at)-negative structure

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (not good at)-negative structure

(Like-good at ) Practice using the structure of (good at -not good at)

(Like-good at ) Practice using the structure of (good at -not good at)

(Like-good at ) Closing Exercise

(Like-good at ) Practice using the structure of (good at -not good at)

(Like-good at ) Practice using the structure of (good at -not good at)

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (don’t-doesn’t like)-negative structure

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (don’t-doesn’t like)-negative structure

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (good at)-positive structure

(Like-good at ) Forming sentences using (good at)-positive structure

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